Donation Opportunities
Bowles Hall offers a four-year residential hall experience designed to help undergraduates explore their aptitudes and interests, develop leadership skills through self-government, learn from a diversity of peers, create community with strong traditions and build deep friendships that will last a lifetime.
The Bowles Hall experience is made possible through the generous financial contributions from donors. Since rents cover only costs associated with room and board, the Bowles Hall Foundation must raise 100% of the programmatic costs every year. Programs supported through donations include live-in faculty, undergraduate fellows and scholarships. Donations also support student enrichment programs and capital projects to improve the Hall.
When you make a tax-deductible gift to Bowles, you are enabling a new generation of students to have the unique, life changing experience that is Bowles Hall Residential College.
Donate Online
To make a one-time or recurring online donation, please click the button below:
Donate By Mail
To make a donation by mail, please make your check payable to "Bowles Hall Foundation" and mail to:
Scott Wilson
357 Clarkin Court
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Please consider supporting us by making an annual gift or pledge to the Bowles Hall Foundation, an established IRS 501(c)3 nonprofit California corporation. All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law.
In addition to one-time or recurring gifts, you can also support the future of Bowles Hall in the following ways:
Request a matching gift from your employer
Donate in honor of a friend, family member or colleague
Include Bowles Hall in your estate plan
Underwrite a faculty or student resident position
Organize a class gift
Give a gift of stock
Contribute from your IRA
Participate in special events and fundraisers
To discuss any of the above opportunities, please contact Darcie Taylor (click here).
Naming Opportunities
Many opportunities exist to leave a lasting legacy by having your name attached to Bowles Hall. For more information, please contact Darcie Taylor (click here).
$500,000: Kitchen
$250,000: Room/Board Scholarship
$150,000: Principal's Apartment
$100,000: Dean's Apartment
$25,000: Visitor's/Guest Room
$20,000: Double Student Room
$12,500: Single Student Room
IRA and Stock Donation Details
Contributing tax-free from your IRA: Congress made this option permanent in December, 2015. This means individuals age 70.5 or older to donate up to $100,000 from an IRA directly to BHF tax-free to the extent provided by law. Such a gift would be considered a transfer, thereby lowering the donor’s Required Minimum Distribution for the year in which the gift was given.
Giving a gift of stock: By donating appreciated stock, you can receive a charitable deduction for the full fair market value of the stock on the date it was given to BHF and avoid incurring capital gains taxes. To take advantage of this opportunity, please click here for more details.
To Learn More
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your contribution, please contact Darcie Taylor (click here)

Thank You
Your support of Bowles Hall will provide a new generation of students with the kinds of programs and activities that make Bowles Hall Residential College (BHRC) such a meaningful undergraduate experience.
Bowles Hall Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (Tax ID: 26-3747734).